
Homeownership Program

If I wish to purchase my first home but need help meeting the monthly mortgage and other homeownership expenses, is there a program that will help me?
Yes, it is called the Homeownership Voucher Program.

If I am currently a participant in the Housing Choice Voucher program and receive rental assistance, can I use my voucher to buy a home and receive monthly assistance in meeting homeownership expenses?
Yes, if you meet income and other eligibility requirements.

If I am in Public Housing, RAD (Rental Assistance Demonstration) or Project Based Voucher (but do not receive a voucher), what do I have to do to get into the homeownership voucher program?
You have to apply for a housing choice voucher (the same as anyone else who does not have a voucher) and meet the eligibility requirements at the Housing Authority of the City of Brownsville.

Are there any standards for the home to be purchased under this program?
The home must pass an initial housing quality standards inspection conducted by the HACB and an independent home inspection before the HACB may approve the purchase by the family.

What families are eligible to apply for homeownership vouchers?  Families must meet these requirements:

  • A first-time homeowner or cooperative member.
  • No family member has owned or had an ownership interest in their residence for at least three years.
  • Except for cooperative members, no member of the family has any ownership interest in any residential property.
  • Credit score of 680 points or above or determined by lender/mortgage company.
  • Minimum income requirement. Except in the case of disabled families, the qualified annual income of the adult family members who will own the home must not be less than the Federal minimum hourly wage multiplied by 2,000 hours. For disabled families, the qualified annual income of the adult family members who will own the home must not be less than the monthly Federal      Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit for an individual living alone multiplied by 12. The PHA may also establish a higher minimum income requirement for either or both types of families. Except in the case of an elderly or disabled family, welfare assistance is not counted in determining whether the family meets the minimum income requirement.
  • Employment requirement. Except in the case of elderly and disabled families, one or more adults in the family who will own the home is currently employed on a      full-time basis and has been continuously employed on a full-time basis for at least one year before the commencement of homeownership assistance.
  • Additional PHA      eligibility requirements. The family meets any other initial eligibility requirements set by the PHA.
  • Homeownership counseling. The family must attend and satisfactorily complete the PHA’s pre-assistance homeownership and housing counseling program.
  • Must be receiving subsidy assistance thru the Brownsville Housing Authority Section 8 Program.
  • Meet Financial Institution Eligibility Requirements for a mortgage.

What are the monthly homeownership expenses? Monthly homeownership expenses include:

1. Mortgage principal and interest,
2. Mortgage insurance premium,
3. Real estate taxes and homeowner insurance,
4. PHA allowance for utilities,
5. Principal and interest on debt to finance costs to make the home accessible for a family member with disabilities if the PHA determines it is needed as a reasonable accommodation.

What is the total monthly tenant payment?
For purposes of calculating the amount of financial assistance to be provided by the PHA, the monthly tenant payment is generally 30% of the family’s adjusted monthly income. For more information about how to determine total tenant payment contact your local PHA.

What do I have to pay each month?
You have to pay at least the total tenant payment (approximately 30% of adjusted monthly income). However, if you purchase a home that has monthly expenses higher than those covered by the total of the financial assistance provided by the PHA together with the tenant payment (30% of income), any additional amount will have to be paid by the family. To keep families from purchasing a home that will result in a payment the family cannot afford, the PHA, may set affordability limits for their program.
How long can a family receive assistance under this program?
There is no time limit for an elderly household or a disabled family. For all other families, there is a mandatory term limit of 15 years if the initial mortgage incurred to finance the purchase of the home has a term that is 20 years or longer, and for all other cases, the maximum term of homeownership assistance is 10 years.

Who can I talk to obtain additional information about this program?

Cesar Barrera – Home Ownership Specialist  214-1525 or  cbarrera@hacb.us

What regulations cover this program?
The Regulations are found in 24 CFR Part 982 (particularly see sections 625-642).