The cost of furthering your education can seem overwhelming. Paying to attend college or a trade school is not as difficult as you may think! There are many, many resources available. The key is to PLAN AHEAD.
- TXNAHRO provides scholarships each year to deserving high school seniors, graduating in the Spring following this application deadline, and who are currently living with their families as Public Housing or Section 8 program residents. Click on the Texas symbol below to apply.
TXNAHRO Deadline: Expired
2. PHADA Scholarship Program
In order to encourage academic excellence and community responsibility among high school students, PHADA has implemented a scholarship program for graduating seniors who are preparing to enter college. PHADA will award three scholarships to deserving youth currently residing in a PHADA member agency. Click below to apply.
PHADA Deadline: Expired
The HACB Resident Scholarship Program:
The Housing Authority of the City of Brownsville established the Resident Scholarship Fund in late 2002 for the benefit of all HACB Public Housing Residents and Housing Choice (Section 8) participants who are planning to attend an institution of higher education. In September 2008 the Housing Authority of the City of Brownsville Board of Commissioners and approved and adopted the “Scholarship Policy.” The scholarship serves as an opportunity for those individuals who have a desire to further their education but lack the adequate financial means to accomplish this goal. The scholarship is designed to inspire these individuals to work toward becoming independent and economically self-sufficient members of the community.
2025 HACB Scholarship Application
Application Deadline: May 28, 2025
Applicants for HACB scholarships must be:
- A current HACB public housing resident, Housing Choice (Section 8) participant children and HACB Employee children.
- A graduating high school senior.
Click on the logo to download the application.
Deadline: April 19, 2024
The Housing Alliance of Valley Employees South Texas Region (H.A.V.E. S.T.R.) is a professional membership organization consisting of agencies and individuals who administer housing and community development in the South Texas Region and is the leading advocate for the provision of adequate and affordable housing and strong, viable communities for families, particularly those with low and moderate incomes. H.A.V.E. S.T.R. provides annual scholarships to deserving students graduating from high school whose families are Public Housing or Section 8 Program Residents.
The Scholarship Evaluation Committee will give extra consideration to students who have achieved a special level of distinction in their community because of their concern for humanity. Students who have responded to a crisis or who have created a resource to address a need in their community are good candidates for this scholarship.
For more information and applications, contact, Melissa Dickinson, Youth Programs Coordinator at 956-214-1528 or email:
Students can also search for national scholarships and apply. We encourage all high school students to apply to all scholarship applications on the links below.